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III-Treatment of breast cancer

The most modern treatments are based on four premises, also called the four P. Preventive, Predictive, Personalized and Participatory.

Preventive because it aims to prevent the disease from manifesting through changes in lifestyle (primary prevention) or early diagnosis (secondary prevention).

Predictive because it seeks to identify predictive factors of response, which will guide the most appropriate treatment.

Personalized is the individualization of treatment through algorithms, and specific genetic tests, to define the best option for the case.

Participatory because patients are currently very well informed and must participate in therapeutic options.

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Sorocaba Medical Center


Rua Sorocaba, 464 - room 202

Tel. 21 2537-0138 / 2539-5093

    Second fourth  it's Friday

Americas Medical City

Barra da Tijuca

Av. Jorge Curi, 550 - rooms 252/253

Tel. 21 3264-4866 / 3264-4863

    Tuesday and Thursday

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