Acinus - set of milk-producing cells
Alopecia – hair loss
Anorexia - loss of appetite
Monoclonal Antibodies: These are proteins designed to attack a very specific part of a cancer cell.
Antiperspirants: deodorants that can prevent perspiration.
Areola - central structure of the breast where the papilla projects
Breast self-examination: how women check their breasts for changes. Doctors and nurses can teach women how to do this.
Benign - quality of a nodule or tumor that is not cancerous or invades neighboring or distant organs
Biopsy - tissue removal for microscopic examination and diagnosis
Cancer - group of diseases in which malignant cells grow out of control and compromise other organs
Candidiasis - ringworm caused by candida albicans
Carcinogenesis - process of transformation of benign into malignant cells under the action of physical, chemical or biological agents
Cell: All living things, from plants to animals, are made up of tiny cells.
Conservative surgery: removing a tumor mass and a part of the breast, but not the entire breast.
Collagen - natural fiber that supports tissues
Dermatitis - any inflammatory process of the skin
Diagnosis: detection of a pathology
Dysplasia - breast tissue disarrangement
DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid is an organic compound whose molecules contain the genetic instructions that coordinate the development and functioning of all living beings and some viruses, and which transmit the hereditary characteristics of each living being
Estrogen receptor assay - test to determine if breast cancer contains estrogen receptor protein
Main ducts – carry secretion (milk) to the papilla; are in number from 15 to 20
Eczema - desquamative cutaneous inflammatory process
Edema - accumulation of fluid in some part of the body
Side Effects: Undesired effects that happen because of the treatment, such as hair loss from chemotherapy or tiredness caused by radiation therapy.
Endometrium - tissue that lines the uterine cavity internally
Epithelium or epithelial tissue is one of the four types of basic tissues in the human body - the others are connective, muscular and nervous tissue. Epithelial cells line the organs and can, in some cases, form glands.
Staging - determines the extent of the disease in the body
Estrogen and Progesterone - female hormones produced by the ovaries
Stroma - loose tissue that surrounds the lobes and breast ducts
Etiology - causal agent
Cytological examination - microscopic analysis of cells
Freezing examination - technique in which the removed tissue is frozen and quickly examined under the microscope by the pathologist
Exogenous - external, produced outside the body
expression - compression
Fatigue: feeling tired caused by cancer treatment, different from the feeling of not having enough sleep. It's as if your brain, body and emotions are tired. It is the most common side effect of cancer treatment.
Fascia - fibrous tissue that covers structures
Environmental factors – are non-genetic factors that affect our body. Examples are viruses, toxins, pollutants, smoking, drugs and diet
Risk factors - any factor that increases the chance that a person will have a disease
Prognostic factors - evaluated factors that suggest the severity of the disease and the possibility of cure
Folliculitis - inflammatory process of the hair (hair follicle)
Gene – located in the nuclei of cells and contains all the information inherited from our parents. We inherit half of the genes from the mother and the other half from the father
Adrenal gland - two small hormone-releasing glands located in the upper pole of the kidneys
Grade of Cancer: Breast cancer has a grade of 1 to 3, with 1 being the least severe and 3 the most serious. These numbers represent your body's degree of commitment to cancer.
HER-2 - Also known as c-erb-2 is an oncogene that may be increased in some tumors and represents a worse prognosis
Herceptin – Trastuzumab is a human hormone antibody specific for HER-2 positive tumors
Hyperplasia - disordered tissue growth
Low calorie - low calorie
Hormone – substance that regulates growth, metabolism and reproduction; is secreted by glands
Breast implant: A pad filled with saline water or silicone gel, shaped like your breast, placed under the skin where the breast tissue has been removed.
Immunosuppression - depression of the immune system
In situ - no invasion, restricted to the breast duct
Aromatase Inhibitor - a class of hormonal drugs that block estrogen synthesis in postmenopausal women
Lymphedema - swelling and dilation of obstructed lymphatic vessels
Sentinel lymph node - first tumor draining lymph node
Lymph nodes - lymph nodes that participate in the body's defense system
Mammary lobe - set of acini and small ducts
Mammography: image of the breast using x-rays.
Mastectomy: removal of one or both breasts (in this case called a double mastectomy).
Mastitis - inflammatory process of the breasts
Mastologist - doctor specializing in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of benign and malignant breast diseases
Menopause: when a woman stops menstruating and her body stops making hormones.
Metastasis: when cancer cells detach from the area where they were generated and spread to other regions of the body.
Microcalcification - calcium deposit in breast tissue
mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin): is a protein with a central role in the growth, proliferation and maintenance of cells, which participates in the formation of two complexes, mTORC1 and mTORC2
Mutation - change, differentiation
Nausea: feeling sick and wanting to vomit.
Neoplasm - tissue that has undergone benign or malignant transformation
Neurotransmitter - substance responsible for transmissions in the nervous system
Oncologist - physician specializing in the clinical treatment of cancer
Papilla - elastic bulge where the breast ducts flow
Parenchyma - mammary tree or mammary gland tissue
Pathologist - doctor specializing in examining tissues and fluids under the microscope to give a definitive diagnosis
Penetrance It is defined as the percentage of individuals with a certain genotype that express the corresponding phenotype.
Flap procedure: breast reconstruction, in which a doctor uses tissue from another part of your body to try to reproduce the shape of the breast. The tissue can come from your abdomen, back, hips or buttocks.
Prognosis - disease evolution as expected by the physician
Proliferate - tissue growth
Quadrant - portion corresponding to a quarter of the total breast volume
Chemotherapy: Drugs that kill cancer cells and are delivered into the body through injections or taken as pills. They stop the process of cell growth and division when they are inside the body.
Radiologist - physician specializing in imaging methods for the diagnosis of diseases
Radio-oncologist - doctor specializing in radiotherapy
Radiotherapy: treatment with special x-rays that kill cancer cells.
Radiotracer - radioactive substance injected to mark breast lesions or the sentinel lymph node
Relapse: cancer that comes back after treatment.
Breast Reconstruction: Surgery that can reconstruct the shape of a woman's breast, including the nipple and areola.
Nipple Reconstruction: A type of breast reconstruction in which tissue for the nipple and areola is taken from the patient's body, usually from the inguinal area, and molded into the shape of a nipple. It can also be done using small flaps of the reconstructed breast skin to form the nipple. Sometimes doctors use the tattoo technique to create the areola and match one nipple to the other.
Regression - tumor shrinkage
Pathology report: A report that explains your type of breast cancer, the size of the tumor and how fast it is growing.
Remission - complete disappearance of signs and symptoms of the disease
ROLL - radioguided surgery for location of occult lesion
Seroma - accumulation of fluid in a closed cavity
Lymphatic system – network that includes lymph nodes, lymph and vessels. Acts as a filter in the body
Supplement: vitamins or minerals that do not come from food, but in pills, for example, and which are taken by the patient to help them cope better with breast cancer.
Tamoxifen - hormonal substance used in the treatment of breast cancer
Tissue - set of cells that perform a specific function
Adipose tissue – the rest of the breast is filled with this fatty tissue; its quantity varies according to the woman's physical characteristics, nutritional status and age
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): Intake of hormones after you've gone through menopause, when your body stops making hormones.
Hormonal therapy: treatment of cancer with hormones or drugs that interfere with the production or actions of hormones. It is not the same as hormone replacement therapy. Hormone therapy may also include surgery to remove hormone-producing glands. Hormone therapy can kill cancer cells or slow their growth.
Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), process by which cancer cells, from primary tumors, undergo a phenotypic conversion to invade and migrate, generating metastases in distant tissues or organs
Adjuvant treatment - treatment that aims to treat any micrometastases and determine a greater chance of cure
Palliative treatment - aims to relieve pain and symptoms, but its objective is not to cure the disease
Alternative treatments: therapies or anything that someone claims to be able to cure cancer, when in fact its effectiveness has not been proven.
Tumor: cells that form a lump in your body. Some tumors are cancer and some are not.
Turgency - breast swelling and distension
National and international references
American Cancer Society
American Society of Clinical Oncology www.asco.o rg
European School of Oncology
European Society of Mastology
Global Cancer Observatory
National Cancer Institute
Oncoguia Institute
National Cancer Institute
National Institutes of Health
Senologic International Society
Brazilian Society of Mastology
Brazilian Society of Clinical Oncology
Sorocaba Medical Center
Rua Sorocaba, 464 - room 202
Tel. 21 2537-0138 / 2539-5093
Second fourth it's Friday
Barra da Tijuca
Av. Jorge Curi, 550 - rooms 252/253
Tel. 21 3264-4866 / 3264-4863
Tuesday and Thursday