How important is the family during treatment?
When the news of breast cancer is revealed in the family, it is normal for the patient and everyone who lives with her to be a little confused at first. This is a new situation and, many times, it is not known how to handle or contribute at this time. As time passes, and information becomes clearer, tension tends to lessen. However, it is necessary to understand that there will always be ups and downs throughout the treatment, and not only does the patient need to deal with this turmoil of emotions, but also the family needs to organize itself to be strong, in order to give consistent support to the woman. .
Family support is an essential basis for treatment. Part of this journey is not only taking care of health, but also relationships. Therefore, a patient with good support and family support tends to feel more motivated to continue with the treatment.
Affection and attention are the first precautions that people close to you should have. The second way to help is to seek information about the disease and the patient's rights, get acquainted with the doctors about the treatments, the possibilities of cure and demystify the disease. The more information you have about breast cancer, the less frightening it seems.
Another important function of family members towards the patient refers to the ability and availability to listen, it is necessary to be prepared to listen much more than speak. Those who are experiencing this situation often only need to share it with someone who truly knows how to listen to their doubts, anxieties and feelings, so that together they can seek information and answers. In this journey, there is no single ready answer, be willing to face the disease sharing the company without becoming someone who is constantly insecure about the situation the patient is experiencing. It is necessary to avoid derogatory comments, unsafe information about the disease or even about the appearance of the person undergoing treatment. Always talk about pleasant things, but also be sure to listen and share when the person being treated wants to talk about their fears and uncertainties. Encourage her to be honest with her feelings, without judging or showing pity. Know that everyone is insecure, the act of listening and simply sharing the moment is much more important than trying to offer an immediate solution.
It is also important for the family to know that caring and giving affection does not mean treating the patient as someone who is unable to carry out their own activities. Caring for someone who is facing breast cancer means being available to help and not to perform all the tasks for the person, as if they were no longer able to manage their own life. It is possible that those who live with the patient have to help with routines more than usual, however, when she feels up to it, it is healthy to encourage her to maintain the routine, performing daily activities and seeking sources of leisure and distraction. Offering oneself as a company for a walk, lunch or a trip to the movies can be special for the patient undergoing treatment, as the feeling of normality helps to face the problem. It is important that all family members understand, without judging, or feel pity that the moments of weakness will arise, so help the patient to accept their limits and respect the moments of silence and introspection. These precautions are essential for the patient to feel more secure in coping with the disease.
It is also essential that family members understand their own feelings and accept them as a natural part of the process, after all the news of a cancer shakes everyone, do not deny or neglect your own emotions, but try not to convey it to those who are suffering from the disease. In some cases, it is common for family members to seek psychological support and support from NGOs and groups of people who are going through a similar moment to better deal with the situation. In times when the feeling of impotence takes over, be aware that this is, unfortunately, an individual journey, and that you are fulfilling your role and doing everything you can, don't let guilt take over your emotions . Know that the union of all is the strength that the patient needs, as breast cancer is a disease that is also faced with great care and love.
How will the return to work be?
When cancer treatments are over, patients are eager to get back to their previous routine, including work. The workplace can be a source of renewed focus and purpose after overcoming cancer. But starting work again takes extra planning to make sure the patient is ready and comfortable for the transition.
Returning to work may not be a viable option for everyone. Sometimes, some effect, physical, emotional or mental, that happens as a result of the treatment, can change or delay the return to the company. When the patient feels ready to return to activities, the first step is to obtain the oncologist's consent. This period may depend on a few factors:
- Long-term side effects of treatment;
- The physical or stress requirements of the type of work;
- The need for follow-up.
If the doctor approves, the next step is to schedule a meeting, in person or online, with the person in charge of the company you work for and discuss the details of the return. It is possible to implement creative alternatives that help make this transition more successful. Some examples:
- Work in reduced shifts;
- Flexible schedules that allow for medical appointments;
- Sharing of important projects with colleagues who have a similar function, until you are able to take over fully;
- Unpaid sick leave.
As for sharing with your coworkers about your treatment and leaving work, that decision is up to you. However, before returning, you need to plan for it.
Physical adjustments to work
There are several benefits of getting back to work. It boosts your self-confidence and provides valuable social interactions. But after you've had cancer, you may experience fatigue, pain, cognitive problems, and other side effects from the treatment. A few small changes can help you with these new limitations that you will experience:
- Take short breaks to maintain energy during the workday;
- Use lists and alarms to remind you of important meetings or tasks;
- Discuss some of your concerns with your manager.
Don't be afraid to mention the difficulties that may be caused by your treatment.
Social Adjustments in the Workplace
Social interactions in the workplace can fill an important void for those who have had to stop working because of treatment. However, some colleagues may not respond well. They may be confused about why they are leaving or they may be concerned about how their return will affect their jobs. Keep your explanation simple and positive, as this will help you reconnect and make coworkers feel more comfortable too.
Returning to work after cancer treatment is not always easy. But with careful planning, work can be a source of pride and space to socialize again.
Sorocaba Medical Center
Rua Sorocaba, 464 - room 202
Tel. 21 2537-0138 / 2539-5093
Second fourth it's Friday
Barra da Tijuca
Av. Jorge Curi, 550 - rooms 252/253
Tel. 21 3264-4866 / 3264-4863
Tuesday and Thursday