Dr. Maurício Magalhães Costa is elected full member of the National Academy of Medicine
Solemn Session of Inauguration - Maurício Augusto Silva Magalhães Costa takes office as new Full Member of ANM
On the night of last Tuesday (05), the National Academy of Medicine held a solemn ceremony for the inauguration of the Academic Novel, the doctor Maurício Augusto Silva Magalhães Costa, who now occupies Chair No. 79 of the Surgery Section, whose Patron is Olympio Arthur Ribeiro da Fonseca.
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At the board of directors of the ceremony, former Presidents Francisco Sampaio and Pietro Novellino, the Acads. José Galvão-Alves, Jorge Alberto Costa e Silva (President), Antonio Nardi, ex-President Marcos Moraes and Acad. Ricardo Cruz.
In front of an auditorium filled with family, friends, co-workers and Academics, the Professor was led by an Honor Committee formed by Academicians Orlando Marques Vieira, Cláudio Benchimol, Marcello Barcinski, José Carlos do Valle, Octávio Vaz, Walter Zin and Giovanni Cerri. The consecration as a Full Member came after the traditional Academic oath and the delivery of the Academic necklace and medal, by President Jorge Alberto Costa e Silva, and the Academic Diploma, by Academic Celso Marques Portela.
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The academic novel between President Jorge Alberto Costa e Silva and Academic Celso Portela
Academic Patrícia Rocco delivered an emotional greeting speech, declaring herself happy and honored to receive Professor Dr. Maurício Magalhães Costa as the new Full Member of the traditional institution. Highlighting the extensive curriculum of the renowned mastologist, the Academic stated that the confrere, throughout his trajectory, remained persevering and builder of his own future.
Then he spoke about the dedication with which the Academic Novel conducted his career, always taking care of the other, regardless of economic class, and promoting the dissemination of knowledge and information, through campaigns and projects. “Dr. Maurício understood that to be a good doctor it was no use just reading all the books and articles, it was essential to know how to look at the other ”, said the Academic.
Academic Patrícia Rocco received the inauguration with an emotional speech
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He ended his message by sharing some episodes from the doctor's life, declaring that the novel Academico "has an extraordinary professional life and an even bigger heart". He concluded by congratulating him and welcoming his dear friend and confrere.
Beginning his inaugural speech, Academic Maurício Magalhães Costa thanked all those who somehow contributed to his history and career, for taking part in this unique moment in his personal and professional trajectory. Mentioning the poem “Ode to Joy”, written by Friedrich Schiller and sung in Beethoven's 9th symphony, the Academic stated that “the work demonstrates very well how I am feeling on that occasion, joy is a feeling of contentment, pleasure in living, joy and exultation ”.
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After stressing the importance of the role of the traditional home, founded in 1829, in national medicine and the activities carried out in it, he promised to honor the Academy's memory and promote actions that strengthen medical practice. He presented a brief history of Chair 79 of the Surgery Section, whose Patron is Olympio Arthur Ribeiro da Fonseca, a gynecologist born in the city of Niterói and one of the social and cultural values of the capital of the Republic in the 19th Century. He cited previous occupants of the 79th Chair of the ANM, Academicians Arnaldo de Moraes, Francisco Victor Rodrigues, Hilton Ribeiro da Rocha and his predecessor, Academic Anna Lydia Pinho do Amaral, consecrated gynecologist and first woman Director of the Hospital of Ipanema, who died on 25 June 2015.
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Academic Maurício Magalhães
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The novel Academico greeted the members of the honor committee that accompanied him and his friend, Academic Patrícia Rocco, who according to him, was the biggest supporter of his campaign and accompanied him throughout all the steps in his candidacy, declaring “I thank you kind and complimentary greeting, surely the fruit of a long friendship ”. He also thanked his family, wife and children, for all the support, dedication and encouragement they gave him throughout his life, quoting the French writer Victor Hugo "The supreme happiness of life is to have the conviction that we are loved".
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Academic President Jorge Alberto Costa e Silva congratulated the doctor honored for his impeccable campaign and speech, according to the tradition of the house, and highlighted his career and professional trajectory. He praised his dedication to the National Academic of Medicine, respect for the institution's traditions and the solid scientific bases that supported his candidacy. According to the President, his presence at the institution today is due to his personal merits that he deservedly earned in the past, however, “his mission does not end today, because today, as Saint Augustine says, is the fruit of the past and commitment to the future,” he declared. .
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Honor Commission formed by the Acads. Marcello Barcinski, Octávio Vaz, Cláudio Benchimol, Orlando Marques Vieira, Walter Zin, José Carlos do Valle and Giovanni Cerri
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In his conclusion, the President addressed what he considers to be the institution's mission, “to be a house of reflection and thought, which not only presents and transmits the news of medicine, but also proposes reflections on them”. Finally, he congratulated the Academic Novel, recalling the emotion he felt 35 years ago, at the time of his inauguration, and quoted the Frenchman Paul Ricard “Men were not born to die, but to invent. Chance turned into a destination through continuous choice ”. Then he asked the Honor Commission to take the Academic to the Noble Hall, ending the ceremony.
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