Myths About Risks for Breast Cancer
1) Wearing a bra
There is no scientific evidence that wearing a bra increases the risk of breast cancer. In fact, the only work that showed a slight increase in risk had a methodological flaw, as the number of obese women with dense breasts, known risk factors, who wore a bra, was greater than that of thin women.
2) Antiperspirant deodorants (antiperspirant)
Antiperspirants have aluminum salts and derivatives in their composition. For this reason, some people question whether these compounds in contact with the body would promote the development of breast cancer. Another association refers to the fact that the highest incidence of the disease occurs in the upper quadrant of the breast area, the place used to apply the product, where the lymph nodes are located.
However, it is known that the highest incidence of cancer in this quadrant is perceived, since it contains the greatest amount of breast tissue, which increases the chances of developing the disease. So far, there is no significant data in the scientific literature that link the aluminum salts present in the formula of antiperspirants with the incidence of breast cancer.
3) Silicone breast implants
Silicone implants do not increase the risk of breast cancer, however, they can create scars and make it difficult to see tumors on mammography, often requiring additional views on radiographs.
Cases of Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma associated with breast implants have been recently described. It is a rare lymphoma that affects patients who have textured breast implants, and when treated early, they have a highly favorable evolution. It is not a cancer of the mammary gland. Research suggests the understanding that in its initial form it presents as a pericapsular seroma (accumulation of fluid) that can evolve into a tumor, with eventual lymph node involvement, and even distant disease.
4) Routine mammogram
Another common rumor is that radiation exposure, in mammograms performed annually, may increase the risk of breast cancer. The radiation used in each exam is extremely low, especially in modern digital devices.
5) Traumas
There are no studies that demonstrate a relationship between breast trauma and the development of breast cancer.
How do genetic and environmental factors act?
Cancer is a multifactorial disease caused by genes, lifestyle and environmental factors that work together. A person can be born with one or more genetic mutations, which can increase their risk for breast cancer, but environmental factors will also play a role in their development. Hereditary cancer, which is characterized by familial transmission of these mutations, called germline, corresponds to 5 and 10% of all breast tumors and can be transmitted to offspring.
The relationship between industrialized products, pesticides and pollution in increasing the risk of breast cancer is being studied. Pesticides can act as initiators, promoters and accelerators of mutations that give rise to a tumor. This is because toxic environmental substances are capable of inducing DNA mutations.
Xenobiotics are chemical compounds present in the environment, which can be produced by industry or by nature. In the categories of pesticides and chemical pollutants, there are substances that have biochemical properties similar to estrogen (the female hormone responsible for controlling ovulation and preparing the uterus for reproduction), which cause an additional hormonal stimulus.
Brazil has been the country with the highest consumption of these products since 2008, due to the development of agribusiness. Exposure to pesticides can cause a series of diseases, depending on the product that was used, the exposure time and amount of product absorbed by the body.
At the moment, agroecology seems to be an alternative to escape from the consumption of pesticides. It is necessary to prioritize the consumption of organic foods, free of pesticides, and increase the consumption of nutrients in a healthy way. Drinking plenty of water completes the body's detox cycle.
It is also important that society promotes, through the first, second and third sectors, a continuous information program, leading to awareness and the adoption of individual and collective strategies that minimize the use and consumption of these substances.
Environmental pollutants and pesticides
Sorocaba Medical Center
Rua Sorocaba, 464 - room 202
Tel. 21 2537-0138 / 2539-5093
Second fourth it's Friday
Barra da Tijuca
Av. Jorge Curi, 550 - rooms 252/253
Tel. 21 3264-4866 / 3264-4863
Tuesday and Thursday