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What will life be like after cancer?

Cancer is a complex disease that generally affects not only the body but emotions as well. In fact, the period involved in the treatment is intense and all decisions and concerns at this time are focused on the full recovery of health. However, a subject that has been little discussed, but of great concern, refers to life after cancer treatment. Once chemotherapy and radiotherapy are over, the patient continues to have doubts and fears about his health condition and recovery does not happen overnight.

The recovery of a patient after chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments depends on each case, taking into account a number of factors such as the stage of the cancer, the intensity of the treatment and the therapies adopted for recovery, so there is no way to predict when the person you will feel fine again right after the treatment. Furthermore, chemotherapy treatment is very intense and aggressive and affects the body as a whole.

It is normal for the feeling of prostration and sluggishness to remain for a period after the treatment, in addition, the immune system itself is affected by the medications, which facilitates the entry of other diseases and infections, that is, the negative effects of chemotherapy do not end with the treatment, health care, in general, still needs to remain for a long period. It is important to remember that the body has gone through an intense process of recovery and that the feeling that it is different from what it was before is a common and natural feeling.

Each organism reacts in a different way, but it is possible to notice some common aspects in patients who have undergone chemotherapy. There is a reduction in the production of leukocytes (white cells that are part of the immune system) which can make the patient's body more vulnerable to infections. This condition is usually temporary, over time the body tends to produce leukocytes normally again. Anemia can also arise as a result of treatment, which leads to a feeling of weakness, shortness of breath and tiredness. This and other symptoms are quite common to appear after the end of treatment. Reports are also frequent that blood tests, cholesterol, and others still appear with alterations. In young women, menopause may be anticipated, with symptoms of hormonal deprivation (hot flashes, insomnia)

It is understood that cancer treatment cannot be seen as an isolated episode and it is important to understand it as an ongoing process, in which medical follow-up is permanent. Thus, any change in health or symptoms that the patient is experiencing must be reported to the physician immediately for health monitoring, especially in the first few months. This condition can remain for months or years, depending on how each organism reacts to the medications and also which healthy organs were also affected, as chemotherapy, unfortunately, does not only treat the diseased cells, but also attacks the healthy cells of the body. body.

The feeling that one is more fragile and that health is no longer the same is common, even because the patient's own relationship with the body will have changed. The patient tends to be more attentive to the signals that the body sends and to be more careful with any symptoms.

This period after cancer treatment can be seen as a new phase of life, in which one has the opportunity to get to know one's own body and its limitations better. In addition, the balance of one's emotional health is also important, and the understanding that we often change our perspectives after treatment. Attention to our health, regardless of cancer, should be for life.

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