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What are screening tests?

Screening is the set of methods applied for the early diagnosis of cancer or precancerous lesions in a certain population that does not show signs or symptoms of cancer. The application of screening methods is only indicated when the incidence of cancer is high, the method used is sensitive, specific, cheap, safe and causes acceptable discomfort.

Research has not shown clear benefits of physical breast exams performed by health professionals or by women themselves in breast cancer screening (self-examination). There is little evidence that these tests help diagnose breast cancer early, when women also have screening mammograms. Even so, all women should be familiar with the characteristics of their breasts and in the event of any changes, they should immediately report it to their doctor so that the cause can be identified and, if necessary, treatment started.

What tools are there to assess breast cancer risk?

Various risk assessment tools, such as the Gail model, Claus model, and Tyrer-Cuzick model, are available online to help healthcare professionals estimate a woman's risk of breast cancer. These tools provide approximate rather than accurate estimates of breast cancer risk based on different combinations of risk factors and different sets of data. The use of any of these risk assessment tools, and their results, should be fully discussed with your physician.

What are the imaging methods?


A mammogram can find changes in the breasts, which could be cancer, years before physical symptoms develop. Women who have regular mammograms are more likely to diagnose breast cancer early, and are less likely to need aggressive treatment, such as breast removal surgery (mastectomy), and are more likely to be cured of the disease.

Digital mammography is achieved by digital detectors used to replace the film screen. Digital image is processed and displayed as a grayscale image The digital image can be processed by computer and displayed in various formats. The digital signal can be electronically sent to the viewing station and displayed on high resolution monitors or printed in high resolution as well. Digital mammography has many advantages over film (analog) screen mammography:

• Higher contrast resolution, especially on breasts.

• Image manipulation after capture allows detection of subtle changes.

• The electronic submission of the image.

• The ability to store images on optical drives for future reference.

• Decrease in the average radiation dose.

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digital mammography

What is breast tomosynthesis?

Breast Tomosynthesis is a state-of-the-art 3D technology that makes it possible to observe the breast tissue in cross sections from 0.5mm thick. Its scanning produces a series of images from different angles that reconstruct the breast image in a three-dimensional format. 3D mammography is a well-tolerated method for most women and breast compression is similar to mammography.

In light of current evidence, the use of tomosynthesis in clinical practice is not restricted to some subgroups, and its use can be expanded to breast cancer screening at any age, especially in young patients, patients with heterogeneously or extremely dense breasts, and breast cancer patients. high risk. In addition, tumor margins and size are better evaluated, and the spatial location of the evidenced lesions is safer with the addition of tomosynthesis.


Data on the effectiveness and impact of ultrasound in breast cancer screening demonstrate that it should not be used as the main method. It should be used as an additional test to mammography and in women with dense breasts.



                                                         magnetic resonance

There is no evidence for the use of MRI in screening patients considered to be at low risk. According to the American College of Radiology, MRI should be used in conjunction with mammography in screening high-risk women

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